Your time is limited. Don’t spend it on low value activities such as bookkeeping. Outsource and focus on what matters the most - your
business and your family, let us do the humdrum task for you with our Cloud-based bookkeeping. If you still feel the need to do your own
books – let us help you to do them efficiently.
Did you know that accounting has been used to achieve economic success since the 15th century? Its main principles were first formulated by
Luca Pacioli, a Franciscan friar, a teacher of mathematics who taught the one and only, Leonardo da Vinci. Luca, is often referred to as the
father of accounting, he was the author of the first printed book exploring double entry bookkeeping, warning his readers that “one should
not go to sleep at night until the debits equaled the credits”. Six centuries later the principles of bookkeeping remain the same, but with
the utilisation of modern technology the principles are no longer stopping you from going to bed at a decent hour. With our cloud-based
bookkeeping you’ll be off to bed before sundown. You can access the software online anytime, anywhere, from any device. It saves your
company time and money, all you need is a trusty internet connection. With the cloud’s clear overview of your real-time financial position,
multi-user simultaneous accessing and automatic updates, you can finally focus on less boring activities, like growing your business or
getting enough sleep without making Luca shake his head in disapproval